The Artist as “X” - Consultancy Services for Skagen
18.11.22 - 10.12.22
Scott William Raby (US/DK)
The Artist as “X” - Consultancy Services for Skagenaf Scott William Raby er et diskursivt kunstprojekt, der undersøger rammerne for udstillingens form og kunstnerens rolle i og for et lokalsamfund med udgangspunkt i en række stedspecifikke undersøgelser i Skagen.
The Artist as “X” - Consultancy Services for Skagen har til formål at skabe nye, unikke kunstneriske interaktioner på tværs af forskellige industrier i Skagen, der alle udgår eller er tydeligt påvirket af Skagen Havns eksistens. Projektet fokuserer på fire udvalgte sektorer, som er definerende for erhvervslivet i Skagen på forskellig vis - fiskeri, service, turisme og ejendomssalg.
Gennem metoder og strategier fra kunstens og forskningens verden har Scott William Raby interageret som en “konsulent” på tværs af disse sektorer. Ved at påtage sig forskellige roller gennem dialogiske, performative, visuelle og pædagogiske strategier er han blevet engageret i de forskellige sektorer og har skabt unikke “kunstneriske services” til dem. Disse serviceopgaver - fra brandingopgaver til uddannelse og sanketure – danner grundlaget for dokumentation, objekter og memorabilia som tilsammen udgør konsulentens “service center” installeret hos SKAL Contemporary i udstillingsperioden. Fra denne hybrid af ”et læringscenter og en kommunikationslounge” vil en række stedbundne kapitalocæne, økonomiske og økologiske narrativer blive udfoldet og sat i scene.
Projektet tager sit afsæt i det mest dominerende økonomiske og økologiske sted i Skagen; Skagen Havn. Det er fra dette sted, hvor industriel infrastruktur møder det altomsluttende økosystem - havet - at den kunstneriske undersøgelse har taget sin begyndelse. Skagen Havn danner ramme om forskellige sociale, politiske, kulturelle og historiske aktiviteter og interesser, der er og har været definerende for Skagen, og som enten er synlige her eller påvirket af havnens drift. Filtreret gennem sin “service center”-installation skaber Raby rum for læring og dialog mellem kunstneren og offentligheden, hvor kunstnerens interaktion med havnens industrier danner rammen for nye samtaler om industri, økologi og havnens betydning for en by.
Skagen har siden slutningen af det 19. århundrede været kendt for sin kunstnerkoloni, men spørgsmålet er, om det måske ikke er på tide at gentænke kunstnerens rolle i Skagen i forhold til livet i det 21. århundrede og de problemer og udfordringer, vi står overfor i vores samtid. The Artist as “X” - Consultancy Services for Skagen præsenterer sine svar på netop dette spørgsmål inspireret af kunstneriske praksisser som det britiske The Artist Placement Group i 1960erne, Andrea Frasers service-projekter i 1990erne og Wochenklausurs kritiske, socialt engagerede kunstneriske praksisser. Projektet er derudover inspireret af og har forbindelse til mange forskellige lokale fællesskaber, forretninger, politikere, kunstnere, undervisere, arbejdere og mange andre i Skagen.
Scott William Raby (US/DK) er en amerikansk kunstner, kunstorganisator og -forsker, som bor og arbejder i Aalborg. I sin praksis udforsker han terrænet mellem kunst, arkitektur, infrastruktur og offentlige rum gennem kritiske, eksperimenterende og diskursive interventioner. Socio-økonomiske, geopolitiske, stedslige, økologiske, juridiske og andre kulturelle spørgsmål, konflikter og processer er fundamentale temaer i hans arbejde. Gennem performance, installationer, offentlige interventioner og dialogisk udveksling forsøger han at omkonfigurere magtsystemer og institutionelle dynamikker. Han har tidligere studeret som kunstnerisk forsker i PhD-programmet under kunstinstituttet på Goldsmiths University i London og har desuden en MFA i Fine Arts fra Otis College of Art and Design i Los Angeles.
The Artist as “X” - Consultancy Services for Skagen
18.11.22 - 10.12.22
Scott William Raby (US/DK)
The Artist as “X” - Consultancy Services for Skagen by Scott William Raby is a discursive art project that investigates the frameworks of an exhibition and therole of the artist in a local community in our time.
The Artist as “X” - Consultancy Services for Skagen seeks to create unique artistic interactions across different industries in Skagen that emanate or are influenced by Skagen’s Harbor. These include four sectors that notably define Skagen in different ways - fishing, hospitality, tourism, and real estate.
Utilizing different artistic and research strategies, Scott William Raby has been attempting to become an experimental “service provider” across these fields. By taking on different roles, using dialogical, performative, visual, and pedagogical strategies, he has been engaging these sectors in an attempt to make unique “artistic services” within them. These service provisions – ranging from branding, to education, to conversation, to foraging - all motivate the documentation, objects, and ephemera that make up the consultancy “service hub” installed at SKAL Contemporary during the exhibition period. From this hybrid “learning center and communications lounge” narratives of the capitalocene and the eco-economic aspects of Skagen - will be further unfolded.
The project takes its initial point of departure from the most dominant ecological and economic space in the area - Skagen’s Harbor. It is from this spatial transition between the industrial infrastructural space meeting the ecological space of the sea where the artistic investigation began. Different social, political, cultural, and historical activity that defines Skagen, and flows from the four selected industries, is present at or highly influenced by Skagen’s Harbor space and activity. Through the filter of the consultancy service hub installation that creates a new interaction space of learning and dialogue between the artist and the public, the conversations around industry, ecology, and Skagen’s harbor - and the artist’s interaction with these industries - will be fore-fronted.
Skagen has since the late 19th century been a well-known artist colony in Denmark, but there is little artistic practice around rethinking the specific role of the artist in Skagen today in relation to 21st century issues and challenges of contemporary life. This project seeks to work on this question, being motivated by art practices ranging from the Artist Placement Group’s work in the UK in the 60’s, to Andrea Fraser’s services projects in the 90’s, to Wochenklausur’s critical socially engaged practices. The project also is inspired by and links many different local communities, businesses, politicians, artisans, educators, workers, and others across Skagen.
Scott William Raby (US/DK) is an artist, arts organizer, and researcher currently based in Aalborg. His practice explores the terrain between art, architecture, infrastructure, and public spaces towards critical, experimental, and discursive interventions. Often socio-economic, geo-political, spatial, ecological, legal, and other cultural questions, conflicts, and processes are crucial to his work. Through performances, installations, public interventions, and dialogical exchanges he seeks to reconfigure operations of power and institutional dynamics. Previously, he was studying as an artistic researcher within the PhD art department at Goldsmiths University in London, and completed an MFA in Fine Arts from Otis College of Art and Design, in Los Angeles.

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson

Scott William Raby, The Artist as “X2 - Consultancy Services for Skagen (2022). Foto/photo: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson