19.03.21 - 21.03.21
Oskar Koliander (DK/SE)
Scott William Raby (DK/US)
Inga Gerner Nielsen (DK)
Arrival består af en online og interaktiv procesudstilling med Oskar Koliander, der giver indblik i processen og arbejdet frem mod udstillingen Broom Buzzems i juli 2021 gennem et interaktivt computerspilslignende univers, hvor beskueren inviteres på en virtuel vandring i en verden af skitser, inspirationskilder og research materiale. Derudover kan man tage del i performanceprojektet The Eco-Tourist af Scott William Raby, der faciliterer en undersøgelse af den lokale sammenhæng mellem økonomi og naturressourcer med udgangspunkt i Skagens turisme som kulturhistorisk midtpunkt. Slutteligt inviterer Inga Gerner Nielsen indenfor i performanceprojektet only here to adore, hvor natur, landskaber og haver danner genstand for en romantisering og undersøgelse af vores forhold til naturen og vores omgivelser.
Arrival giver et indblik i platformens praksis og fremtidige virke, hvor lokale og stedsspecifikke landskaber igen danner genstand for kunstens kritiske blik, ligesom de gjorde det for kunstnerkolonien i slutningen af 1800-tallet og for de modernistiske landskabsmalere Engelund og Hofmeister i midten af det 20. århundrede.
Arrival afholdes i Skagen.
Oskar Koliander (f. 1986), uddannet fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi og Royal College of Art, London. Bor og arbejder i København. I sin praksis er han optaget af, hvordan den teknologiserede virkelighed påvirker mennesker og verden omkring os.
Scott William Raby (f.1984), uddannet fra Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, Ph.D. fra Goldsmiths, London. Bor og arbejder i Aalborg. I sin kunstneriske praksis beskæftiger han sig med sociale, politiske, økonomiske og kulturelle brydningsprocesser, der har indflydelse på vores generelle levevilkår.
Inga Gerner Nielsen (f.1983), cand.mag. i Moderne Kultur og Kulturformidling fra Københavns Universitet, uddannet fra Performance Conservatory Studio 5, New York. Bor og arbejder i Tversted. I sin performative praksis arbejder hun med fordrejninger af mytologiske væsener og verdener i immersive performance-installationer.
19.03.21 - 21.03.21
Oskar Koliander (DK/SE)
Scott William Raby (DK/US)
Inga Gerner Nielsen (DK)
Arrival consists of an online and interactive process exhibition by Oskar Koliander that provides insights into his work towards the exhibition Broom Buzzems through an interactive computer game like universe, where the spectator is invited to take a virtual walk in a universe of sketches, research material, and inspirational objects. In addition to the online exhibition you can take part in the performance project The Eco-Tourist by Scott William Raby who facilitates an investigation of the connection between economy and natural resources locally. The project is based on Skagen’s status as a tourism hot spot and as a site of cultural and historical significance. Furthermore Inga Gerner Nielsen invites you inside her artistic universe in the performance project only here to adore in which nature, landscapes, and gardens form the subjects of an examination of our romanticized relation to nature and our surroundings.
Arrival provides a sneak-peak into the platform's future work, where local and site specific landscapes once again are under the lens of the arts as it provided inspiration for the artist colony in Skagen with P. S. Krøyer and Anna Ancher in the end of the 19th century and for the landscape painters Engelund and Hofmeister in the mid 20th century.
Arrival is held in Skagen.
Oskar Koliander (b. 1986), graduate of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and Royal College of Art, London. He lives and works in Copenhagen. In his praxis he is concerned with questions of how a technologized reality affects people and their surroundings.
Scott William Raby (b. 1983), graduate of Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, Ph.D. from Goldsmiths, London. He lives and works in Aalborg. In his praxis he deals with social, political, economic, and cultural refractions that influence our general living conditions.
Inga Gerner Nielsen (b. 1983), Masters of Arts in Modern Culture from University of Copenhagen, graduate of Performance Conservatory Studio 5, New York. She lives and works in Tversted. In her performative praxis she works with distortions of mytological creatures and universes in immersive performance installations.